The meaning of Christmas

Back to work now and it's been a good break, but it seems harder each year to handle the change in routine when away from work but not away from home. The round of visits and visitors acheived as well as can be hoped for in most cases.

The biggest struggle I had was trying to pin down the meaning of Christmas, it means so much to so many people but I had real difficulties this year in coming to terms with any of them. It could be about;
1) Family - yes but it was very challenging this year, especially with weather and a few other issues (but Mum and Dad - not you, honestly!) ...
2) Giving and receiving - perhaps, but it can get so materialistic with tick lists of presents for children
3) Partying - to many this is all it's about, christamas meals, or even worse getting drunk on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve, nooooo...!
4) Eating too much, we all do this but I'm struggling to see any arguments for justifying it,
5) Watching all the Christmas Specials on telly - all very pleasant I'm sure.
6) Remember the birth of Christ, as part of God's gift to us all, ah well there's a thought...

Another blogger put it really well and sums it up quite neatly;
At Christmas we declare that we are given God's grace, epitomised in the Christ Child. A free gift of God's love for us, whether we deserve it or not. Just as well, because most of us deserve very little indeed, yet still that grace is bestowed on us. (Thanks to Rector's Ramblings)

Perhaps celebrating Christmas isn't so bad, I'll try not to become a scrooge just yet.


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