Poem, When I walked through the woods

This poem is a reflection on not only the seasons as they change around us, but also the changes going on in the world as well and how we can perhaps see them differently in the , ‘Light of the World,’ which is unchanging. It appeared in St George's, Cam, Parish Magazine January 2017.

When I walked through the woods

When I walked through the woods today, the leaves were not crisp and
bright anymore. Time was clearly doing its work as they slowly, out of
sight, joined the earth once again. There were places where golden
leaves lay glowing on the ground, the last memory of a year beginning

it’s gentle slide towards the darkest day. They shone though, and while
damp, and soon to be mulch, they were a joy, in this gloom, in this day
when the world seems to be trying to turn back the clock, rain clouds
hanging, ready to pour forth, without thought or reason, just a reaction

to absorbing so much, just so much, they can scarcely hold it in, until
they let go, the world changes again, and while some of us shelter under
trees, the ones we thought had gone, come out, dancing, in the cold, dark
rain, their ideas from history, not as lost in books as we hoped. The world

still turns though, today, I tramp through decaying leaves and it feels like
a world of light and joy has gone, while overhead, a few bright golden
leaves cling stubbornly to branches, despite the storms and tempest. I
pause, feet sinking, the earth beneath them inhaling as they settle. The

hills around me, although, in some ways changed by us, are still rooted
in something more ancient and holy. They will be there long after people
emerging from shadows, dance to tunes of fear and greed and hate, created
in the darker places, untainted by hope. These rolling hills, the green fields,

perhaps not so bright today, still roll on, the leaves become the earth once
more and the cycle turns. While that darkest day still looms, it’s not far off
and only lasts, but a single day, before the next day, which is brighter for
a little longer. The trees around me sway a little under that dark grey

sky, they know, they know what happens next, some may fall, but seeds
are ready, the sap becoming dormant, but it will re-energise, days will roll
by and I’m reassured that something much greater knows, something knows
what comes next, as it always does. Newer, greener leaves, will shine and

glow transparent under a bright, spring sun. A Son, a sun which penetrates
shadows, clears away fear, bringing hope, joy and brighter days will come
and because we know the days turn and the cycle repeats, those brighter days
are a certain hope and something much greater, more loving, breathes and waits.

Andrew Hill
November 2016


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