Journey to the Isles of the Sea

Journey to the Isles of the Sea

Landing on an alien shore, a few minutes from the world.
Abandoned, if only for a while
Worn out, in the wilderness, ready to pray
Dazed, we wander, seeking a home
Eagles, Golden, soar overhead.

Silence, filled with sound, the breeze, birdsong, streams and gentle surging ocean
God seems far away, but when sought for, is close enough to touch
Prayerful words not needed, our innermost thoughts known.
His spirit pounding in our souls, the pulse growing louder, made bolder in rain, wind and fire.
Ancient Rock, exploding, shards popping, laughter, talk and hope
Firelight, waves lap on stones, light fades, day ends.

Dawn light, gentle, dripping drops.
A shelter, tent of meeting fortified, a place of banter, silence, prayer and love.
Disoriented shifts from bawdy to sublime, crudity to grace, all encompassed in fellowship, in church.

Pilgrimage upon pilgrimage, over pathless, tusssocked ground, a small hanging valley, a sheltered eyrie, filled with noise, friends, love, Jesus, smiling at the grace and timelessness shared.

Light fades, flames flicker. Community shared. Time passes. Vulnerability practiced.
Lying shivering, broken on bare ground,
Yet sheltered, watched over, protected.

Guided home.

This is a poem written following a Wilderness Retreat on the first weekend in May 2014, in the Garvellech Islands, on Garbh Eileach


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