
Showing posts from 2014

How I preached and the calling became public...

That, was a crazy weekend. On Sunday, I preached for the first time at my home church (the text is here if you're interested: ) I'm not sure if I'll always blog sermons (if I get to do any more, only the Lord knows), but for now, they are a record of steps on my vocation journey. On the Friday evening, the Vicar agreed by e-mail to meet me for a run through on Saturday morning, I had sent a copy of the text about ten days earlier but this was the first response, so by this stage, I was trusting that God would be with me and that no major changes would be needed or that the chance to preach may be cancelled and to be honest, all these things had crossed my mind, but I also knew that generally, the Vicar lets you know if theres an issue, and if you hear nothing, you can assume all is well, and it was. The run through was very helpful, working out logistics and a few very helpful tweaks to the

Sermon for May 25th 2014

First sermon preached at my home church (only the second ever) on May 25 th 2014 May I speak in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. I have seen a vision, alleluia! Honestly, I have. Straight away, you’re probably thinking, who is this nutcase and how did he get there. Well, as some of you may know, I’ve been exploring vocation to some form of ministry in the church, there’s nothing definite yet, but me standing here is a way to gain experience and hopefully to share a little of what I’ve learnt while studying the bible. So, anyway, I saw a vision and I wasn’t a million miles from this spot. It was a couple of years ago and I was sitting in this church, just about there, in the second row from the front, with the rest of the choir. The altar was here, in the nave and the candles were on each side of the altar, as normal. So it was as I was sitting there quietly, listening to the sermon, that I saw the vision. I was actually looking at the stained gla

The one where I own up to introspection...

Part of the reason I don't blog very often is that it can sometimes seem rather introspective (such is the nature of exploring vocation), some details can be personal and private, then if I'm being careful not to mention too many names and places, there can then be little left to say. However, things do move on. This vocation journey is more like a container ship than a speed boat, or perhaps a long distance backpacker than a 5k runner. It's a steady, onwards exploration. I'm seeing, experiencing and learning a lot on the way and no matter what happens, my faith, will be much deeper than I would have imagined a few years ago. This journey also needs much prayer and so the odd update may be helpful to people who have said they'll pray for me. So here we go... It's taken some time to realise God's timing isn't the same as mine. As I have explored vocation to ministry, tested some avenues, tried a few cul-de-sacs then found a path which seems more lev

Journey to the Isles of the Sea

Journey to the Isles of the Sea Landing on an alien shore, a few minutes from the world. Abandoned, if only for a while Worn out, in the wilderness, ready to pray Dazed, we wander, seeking a home Eagles, Golden, soar overhead. Silence, filled with sound, the breeze, birdsong, streams and gentle surging ocean God seems far away, but when sought for, is close enough to touch Prayerful words not needed, our innermost thoughts known. His spirit pounding in our souls, the pulse growing louder, made bolder in rain, wind and fire. Ancient Rock, exploding, shards popping, laughter, talk and hope Firelight, waves lap on stones, light fades, day ends. Dawn light, gentle, dripping drops. A shelter, tent of meeting fortified, a place of banter, silence, prayer and love. Disoriented shifts from bawdy to sublime, crudity to grace, all encompassed in fellowship, in church. Pilgrimage upon pilgrimage, over pathless, tusssocked ground, a small hanging valley,

What's your calling?

I have called you by name, you are mine. It really is that simple. When God speaks in Isaiah 43, this is a statement of fact. We need not have any doubts, through all kinds of trial, we can be sure that God will be there alongside us. This is a great reassurance. There is more though, not only are we God’s children, but we are also his agents on Earth. He knows our innermost hearts better than we do and he gives us the challenge to discern what he had really called us to be. “Even before a word is on my tongue,O Lord, you know it completely. (Ps.139)” We ALL have a calling, the first step is accepting the call to be a Christian, a follower of Christ. Even that isn’t simple though, to live your whole life as a Christian, at work, at home, at rest, at school, with friends, watching telly, driving, do we fulfil our Christian calling at every, single, opportunity? It’s unlikely, we are only human after all. We all make mistakes, sometimes we follow what we think is in our heart, not

Why I stopped studying Theology to get closer to God

The first point to make, is that I'm hoping it will be more of a pause than a complete stop. After all, in some ways, if we reflect on our lives prayerfully with scripture to guide us, then that can be defined a theology in action. I also hope to return to the theology course when the time is right. In real terms though, last Thursday, I decided to stop attending the WEMTC (West of England Ministry Training Course) which I had been going to since September 2012. I had been attending as an independent student (so haven't been recommended for training to ministry) but they allow independents to study part-time alongside Readers and Priests in training to experience academia and help explore vocation (it's a part-time course). Full time students, usually younger or potential full-time ordinands would go to a theological college. Initially, the DDO had suggested I tried a term, which I enjoyed and it grew in four terms. As I started the fifth however, I realised a number of