A quiet voice of affirmation

The vocation journey, it seems, has many phases. At the moment it feels like a very private phase is beginning to end as my vocational journey is gradually shared with more people. So far conversations have been limited to just a few key people but over the last few months I have shared my thoughts with a few more people and as ever, have been surprised by the lack of voices telling me to stop and go away!

The last week has been part of that phase shift. A meeting with the Vicar last week, after some difficult questions, ended with "you have my full support and prayers." Which given the difficulty of the questions, was a surprise, although may be it shouldn't be. One of the questions was about whether this calling has been seen in me by anyone else. I usually answer no as no one has ever approached me saying, 'you should get ordained.' But at the same time, being called to the local ministry team was a call. Being asked to organise mission and outreach groups was a call, but perhaps not as independant as one might hope for. Some of this, I think, comes from our sense of Englishness, discretion and not interfering. At the weekend, partly at the Vicar's suggestion, I sought out a friend who has been on a similar journey to mine. As I started to explain why I had asked to meet, my friend just nodded and (to paraphrase slightly) said, "oh yes, I'd been thinking that you should be looking at vocation, that all makes sense, I should have said something sooner but didn't have a chance."

(As a side note, if you know someone who sounds a bit like me, when you feel the time is right, please let them know if you think they should be considering a christian vocation. It may seem obvious, so we don't say anything, or we may be too polite and not want to interfere. Please pray about the person though, if you feel God is telling you to speak to them, please do. It may be just the call they were looking for.)

After a couple of years of examing my personal sense of calling, to have this affirmed, even only slightly, is a relief. I would have pursued this anyway, as I feel the calling is from God, but it is to serve God's people and without their support I would only be a hermit in a cave. The next step is my first meeting with the DDO this week. Not at all sure what to expect so this is with a little trepidation on my part. As ever prayer is the key.


  1. Prayers for you as you move forward on the path of discernment- I can remember the ups and downs over many years.


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