Next steps...

That was interesting. Having met a very kind, astute person the other night who could be pivotal in my next steps, the ball was put firmly in my court. Having discussed my faith story, we then went through what would happen next. Some suggestions were also made, which should be useful. There is a lot of reflection to do now.

What I've realised is that the ball isn't actually in my court. It's in God's. I have also realised that I am still am commited to giving myself up to his will for me. That's not really a surprise though, just confirmation.

What I also realised, and read about yesterday in one of those coincidences which needed to happen (I'm currently reading How to find your Vocation by John Adair which talks about this), is that this is one of those decision processes that cannot be fully made by analysis, fact finding and listing pro's and con's. Yes they are important and can be used for simple, less critical decisions, but this decision (vocation's next step and how, when to complete the diocese form) is a deep heart decision. These need calm, quiet and soul searching prayer to discern the answer. That will take some time and I was told not to rush, but have a feeling that the answer will be clear when I give it a chance to shine.


  1. Hey there. thanks for your comment on my blog. As one who is nearing the end of the process, you are right, the ball is firmly in Gods court, but remember that you can still vary the speed! If you are freaking out, you are free to put the brakes on and as my DDO said to me 'if you feel we are dragging our heels...' you can tell them that too! Although in my case it felt quite fast enough! I hope your journey goes well, it tends to be a rollercoaster of emmotions, but one that is deeply beneficial whatever the outcome. I have learned so much about myself and the way I react to things and process information, that I know, whether I end up training or not, that I am forever changed. Be prepared for huge highs and lows but enjoy the ride :) and as someome said to me, cling to your sense of calling - it will keep you going. Bless you, look forward to reading more of your journey. If you are interested I have written plenty on my blog about the 'ride'!
    red x


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