The week before Christmas…

Church life for me, in worship terms, currently revolves around the choir. To be part of the choir especially at Christmas is wonderful and there were some great moments in church yesterday. Like another blogger, one of my favourite carols is Gabriel's Message which we sang on Sunday morning. The harmony is relatively simple but sounds lovely. Of course the focus is on Mary, the most highly favoured lady.

The significance of Mary’s calling was brought home in the sermon when we were asked to examine how we have been called by God. We may not be called to bear a child, the son of God - I may find that tricky, being a chap - we may not be called to watch the son of God die on the cross and see his resurrection. But we can be called in often powerful ways which sometimes take much work to discern. (As a side point, it would be much simpler if an Angel would appear and just tell us what we must do, oh and if the Angel could just put it writing with the Bishop on cc., that would be much appreciated, ta.)

As someone going through the early stages of vocation discernment, I seem have my radar open for anything which can offer a nugget of wisdom, guidance or hope and it seems that the last two weeks sermons from the vicar have focused on calling and discipleship, I rarely speak to the vicar after services and for some reason my radar was turned down, most likely due to tiredness, at the point when these topics come up, but the radar went to full alert and it was like she is talking directly to me. It's a bit weird because she knows I am going to see the DDO, but we haven't had a chance to discuss it yet, but the sermons feel like affirmation that pursuing a calling like mine is the right thing to do. I pray that this is the right course, I really do.

Then in the evening it was our carol service. It was fantastic and a little daunting to see the church packed out - especially with non-regulars which confirms that Christmas services are a great opportunity for Christian witness, for all the talk of rising secularism people do love singing carols about the birth of Jesus, it’s our challenge to engage with them throughout the year and to make sure we are here when they need us. With all the candles lit, the little ones beautifully singing the first verse of Once in Royal and the biggest choir for years the sound was brilliant in the nave especially in the descants.

Another event of Christian witness was our carol singing the previous Friday night. Again, something new for us and despite a snow shower half an hour earlier, it stayed dry as we walked around the streets surrounding the church stopping under lampposts to sing, accompanied by cornet, tuba and french horn. No collection taken, just knocking on doors and handing out invitations to our Christmas services. A great evening and well done to those who organised it.

This year the expectancy feels huge. Christ is coming and I can't wait!


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