A fork in the path, the journey continues...

It's been a very hectic few weeks but in the middle of it all were a couple of meetings which felt more important that the other stuff. A week or so ago, I met my spritual director again after a few months and it was like nothing had changed. He is very calm, inquisitive without being challenging, insightful without me even saying what I'm thinking. It was rather affirming and reassured me that I'm not deluding myself! He seems to see in me, what I have perceived, which is a comfort.

Then a week later we had our local ministry team meeting. Also there was our new LMT Officer from the diocese, who is also the diocese vocations officer and I had met them a couple of months ago with another meeting planned for the following evening (although at the moment the rest of the LMT, except the Vicar, aren't aware that I'm looking into christian vocation - unless they have worked it out for themselves!). I'm involved in quite a few inititives in LMT like prayer ministry, a new evangelism group and a men's breakfast group we're trying to plan. As these meeting don't finish until ten and I had been up since six following a day at work, I was mentally worn out...

So the next day I met the vocations officer. We discussed LMT and it was mentioned that it was good to see me in action. Then came the crunch point, after nearly eighteen months of thinking and reflecting about all the options, came the question and I said, I think I still want to look at ordination. That's what they had thought but wanted to hear it from me, so they had already discussed me with the DDO earlier that day. So, a few days later, the first DDO meeting is in the diary for next month. Which is even more scary, although definately feels right.

The vocations officer was fantastic, we prayed which was lovely and I'm alway amazed when people seem to agree with how this calling is working it's way into my life (I'm always expecting them to say, no, not you, you came in the wrong door...!). I'm really cautious about putting too much hope into this, because I think the disapointment would be very painful, even though I know that even that would be part of God's plan for me.

So the journey is moving on. I need to recharge my batteries because they are already running low and I think the next year is going to be very interesting. As ever, prayer is the key and it is those conversations that have kept me sure footed.


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