Training Diary Part Two

Written for St Georges March Parish Magazine.
As reported last month, on April 17th (Palm Sunday) I’ll be taking part in the Virgin London Marathon. This is one of biggest and best known running events in the world and should be a fantastic day. Those who have run the race before have told me that just the crowds cheering you on can be a hugely uplifting and exciting experience. The crowd support will hopefully keep me going when things get tougher in the later stages.

In many ways I’m really looking forward to the day itself. I’ve got my train tickets and youth hostel place booked, the Christian Aid ‘Team Poverty’ will be waiting for me and I’m hoping that, with your support, I can raise some substantial funds which can really make a difference to those for whom living below the breadline is just another day.

The fundraising will also help with the training. When it’s howling a gale or pouring with rain, knowing that the hard work can make a difference to people with emergency aid. Also that long term development projects and Christian Aid local partnership groups can get help to those who really need it as a result of fundraising, is a great motivator. I’ll be out and about with sponsorship forms from the start of March. You can also donate online here:

So far I’ve been running two or three shorter runs in the week at lunchtime or in the evenings and increasingly longer runs at the weekend. I’m now (at the time of writing) up to eleven miles and am adding a couple of miles to this each week so within a few weeks of the race, I’ll be as prepared as I can possibly hope to be.

While out running, it has become a time for reflection and even prayer, with sometimes just the presence of God for company,

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith… (Hebrews 12:1-2)

I’ll report back next month to let you know how I’m getting on.


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