Being shown where to go, whether that's the right way or not...

On Saturday I ran the Rhayader Round the Lakes 20 mile road race in a time of four hours and two minutes. This is quite slow because I'm not a quick runner, but it gave me plenty of time to take in the beautiful Elan Valley in glorious spring sunshine.

Being a road race, we had to follow a set route, so there were arrows and marshalls pointing the way at every junction. There were markers at every mile and the path was clearly laid out for us.

Long runs are a great way to clear your head and give plenty of thinking time. I took up running to get fit and lose weight, which has worked, to a degree. But I was a hillwalker before I was a runner, so every time I saw a footpath leaving the side of the road, that was where I wanted to go, to explore and see what was above the next rise.

Somewhere along the way, the reasons for running have become clouded, so that now running instead has become the main activity. So I have resolved to restore the perspective. Once the London Marathon is complete, I will continue to run, but my focus will become the hills once again. The need to explore the new path, to see a new vista and revel in a parts of God's creation I've not seen before is becoming stronger and stronger.

There seem to be some similarities here with my faith journey. Trying to follow a set path, ignoring signs. I think I need to go on another long run to do some more thinking...


  1. I was just reading your blog,and wanted to encourage you. I am 56, I felt God call me into full time christian service in my 20's but many crises,including my daughters leukaemia and husbands death prevented me using my training. I have contiued to follow Jesus sometimes on rather a scenic route, as I believe that he is telling me that the door is still open. I married a Church of Scotland Minister last December,and life is taking on a new turn....maybe I'll be able to go through that door soon. Gods timing seems interminable when you are waiting ,then he suddenly comes up with the goods...what ever your dream is,I suspect the Holy Spirit is prompting...go for it!


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