Modern Times

First published in St George and St Cyr's Parish magazine, June 2009.
As many of you will know, I was one of those affected by the recent redundancies at Renishaw. The last few months at Renishaw had been very uncertain, with salary reductions, working hour reductions and voluntary redundancies in the months preceding the final announcements. Its very easy to see events like this as a negative, frightening experience and in faith terms, we could be asking God, why me? why now?

That has not been my experience though. Since I returned to church and faith when we moved to Cam (to work at Renishaw), the support and friendship has often been overwhelming, especially for a family not used to fellowship like this. We were used to getting on with life with very little support around us, and our families were too far away to help regularly. This has been brought to the fore though in the last month since the redundancy programme started. We've lost count of the number of times we've been asked how we are and whether we need help, but even more scarily - 'we are praying for you'. This has been a revelation, this has never happened before but it is wonderful and has been difficult to deal with (in a good way!).

The whole experience has been surreal and slightly detached. I've never asked, "why me?" because I knew the answer. Its what God wants, and if its what he wants, then there must be a plan. The plan hasn't been shared with me yet, but despite the situation, I've not been impatient (yet!) - the answer will be revealed when the time is right for God, and it may not be the answer I'm expecting or think I'm looking for, but I'm praying it will be the "right" answer for me and my family. I'm also praying for the friends and colleagues I worked with, whether they were made redundant or not. This will be a difficult year for them, and for everyone else around the world affected by the economic climate. Perhaps you could also include them in your prayers as well.

Its possible this journey is only just beginning, but with God's guidance and the fellowship of the church, I pray the road will be a little smoother. So this is partly to say thank you for the support we are receiving, it is truly appreciated.


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