Wait patiently for the Lord

The path is winding on;
Last year on Palm Sunday, I ran the London marathon (Easter was later last year and I've not been running for seven weeks now due to a knee injury, but instead have been praying and reflecting on vocation).

So this year on Palm Sunday, I sent my ordination registration form to the DDO.

There will now be a few weeks before we can meet, which follow the few weeks while the form was checked by two very important, and busy, people.

In many ways, there is a direct comparison to running the marathon. Most of all because patience and perserverence are important in both and perhaps they are also part of God's discernment process. At times I feel doubt, sometimes because the time these things take mean that I have more time to think and reflect not just on the calling but also, perhaps because I am a natural worrier, I become concerned that I'm mis-interpreting the call. I don't pray about that specifically though, simply that in the knowledge that he has a plan for me, God may guide me on the right path to live out that plan, according to his will.

One of my favourite psalms is part of today's morning prayer and I think it's quite appropriate, I especially love the last verse;

Psalm 27

1 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom then shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom then shall I be afraid?
2 When the wicked, even my enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
3 Though a host encamp against me, my heart shall not be afraid, and though there rise up war against me, yet will I put my trust in him.
4 One thing have I asked of the Lord and that alone I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
5 To behold the fair beauty of the Lord and to seek his will in his temple.
6 For in the day of trouble he shall hide me in his shelter; in the secret place of his dwelling shall he hide me and set me high upon a rock.
7 And now shall he lift up my head above my enemies round about me;
8 Therefore will I offer in his dwelling an oblation with great gladness; I will sing and make music to the Lord. 
9 Hear my voice, O Lord, when I call; have mercy upon me and answer me.
10 My heart tells of your word, ‘Seek my face.’ Your face, Lord, will I seek.
11 Hide not your face from me, nor cast your servant away in displeasure.
12 You have been my helper; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation.
13 Though my father and my mother forsake me, the Lord will take me up.
14 Teach me your way, O Lord; lead me on a level path, because of those who lie in wait for me.
15 Deliver me not into the will of my adversaries, for false witnesses have risen up against me, and those who breathe out violence.
16 I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
17 Wait for the Lord; be strong and he shall comfort your heart; wait patiently for the Lord.


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