As Lent begins

It sometimes feels like not much is happening, in fact, it's been a busy week with some quite exciting stuff.

After months of waiting first for training (held but once a year), then for my rota turn, I led intercessions on Sunday morning for the first time. They went well in a slightly tricky week with the terribly sad events around the death of John Suddards (he was in our deanery and our previous associate vicar moved to his parish only last year), we also launched a tower fundraising appeal which also needed to be covered. There was some mixed feedback on volume but nothing on content so I think I can be content enough until next time.

I was also approached after the service about if I could lead a churches together Lent group. Not led a group before but after a few discussions, this will also be starting next week.

A meeting on Monday with the Vicar on vocation, which also went well. I've been on pause since the DDO meeting, deliberately trying to give myself reflection time, but I think the pause is now becoming delaying tactics! So I've started on the long registration form, which may still take some time...

Tuesday was a day off work, spent at the quiet day in Gloucester Cathedral. With three speakers with two guest Bishops from Tanzania and the USA, two daily office and one eucharist (at which our new curate was deaconing, many prayers!) it was less quiet than I expected, but it was still a wonderful day. Time well spent.

Wednesday was Ash Wednesday, a service I always find deeply spiritual and uplifting. It's also quite peaceful, we don't get a large congregation which seems to give the spirit space to breathe.

Thursday was a Local Ministry Team supper. A very pleasant evening after some recent meetings which been a little serious.

Today, preparations for Morning Prayer tomorrow, more work on the registration form and preparing for the Lent group.

Also resting my knee, which is painful and won't bend due to sprained ligaments caused by an altercation with our dog almost two weeks ago. The dog is fine by the way and was forgiven the same day, he was having a great time chasing his best friend, I just got in the way!


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