
Showing posts from January, 2012

Next steps...

That was interesting. Having met a very kind, astute person the other night who could be pivotal in my next steps, the ball was put firmly in my court. Having discussed my faith story, we then went through what would happen next. Some suggestions were also made, which should be useful. There is a lot of reflection to do now. What I've realised is that the ball isn't actually in my court. It's in God's. I have also realised that I am still am commited to giving myself up to his will for me. That's not really a surprise though, just confirmation. What I also realised, and read about yesterday in one of those coincidences which needed to happen (I'm currently reading How to find your Vocation by John Adair which talks about this), is that this is one of those decision processes that cannot be fully made by analysis, fact finding and listing pro's and con's. Yes they are important and can be used for simple, less critical decisions, but this decision (vo

A quiet voice of affirmation

The vocation journey, it seems, has many phases. At the moment it feels like a very private phase is beginning to end as my vocational journey is gradually shared with more people. So far conversations have been limited to just a few key people but over the last few months I have shared my thoughts with a few more people and as ever, have been surprised by the lack of voices telling me to stop and go away! The last week has been part of that phase shift. A meeting with the Vicar last week, after some difficult questions, ended with "you have my full support and prayers." Which given the difficulty of the questions, was a surprise, although may be it shouldn't be. One of the questions was about whether this calling has been seen in me by anyone else. I usually answer no as no one has ever approached me saying, 'you should get ordained.' But at the same time, being called to the local ministry team was a call. Being asked to organise mission and outreach groups wa

Christmas season - Joy to the world!

The anticipation of Advent can be exhausting, it coincides with the shortest, darkest day of the year followed by days which are busy, full and emotionally exhausting. So even though we are still in Christmas season until Friday, for many the real world comes back to us with a bump. Returning to work, school and the usual routine can be demoralising. The weather is hard work and it will be a few more weeks before we notice the extending days. But, in the meantime, let us rejoice! The wise men are coming. It is still Christmas and Christ is with us, God made man. He is here to walk alongside us in these dark days, to lift us up and carry us when times are tough. His love will see us through. Rejoice, rejoice, again I say rejoice! Happy Christmas!