
Showing posts from April, 2024

Who is Jesus Anyway? Is he who we think he is?

  Who is Jesus anyway? It’s something I often reflect on, because sometimes the Jesus I see in the Gospels seems very different from the Jesus we see represented in Christianity. It’s something I touched on in a recent sermon and seemed like an unfinished train of thought. After all, we see Christianity being used a means to push through policies in America, which, to me, make no sense. Making me wonder, have they even considered what Jesus would make of moves to ban books, repeal abortion rights or marginalise minorities. Here, the church and state in the United Kingdom are really just united in name only, with the risk of the church being seen to endorse Government policy for fear of losing their status of the Church OF England. It then often feels like the Anglican Communion is only being preserved by church leaders compromising their beliefs to avoid an argument, and I wonder what Jesus would make of these political moves in our church. The horrific acts of violence in Isra

Silent Retreat poem from 2014

Just under two weeks ago, I went on my first silent retreat to a beautiful place in the Brecon Beacons. Each retreatant has their own lodge and this was the view I looked at for hours.         While away, a few things happened, some of which I'm still working through and which I may share one day, but not just yet.   I did some writing as well and wrote a few poems and this is one I shared with the others just before we left:   Retreating   Be Listen Be, still Listen Breathe   Let walls of protection fall, Let barriers of control, fall, Be, humble Be, vulnerable Trust.   Listen. God,            Protects the lost            Has a plan            Loves the meek in heart            Comes to the vulnerable            Rewards trust with certainty   Put God first Trust in Love, Hope and Grace Seek and find Listen Find God, In silence Questions, answered Just Be