
Showing posts from May, 2013

Economics as if people mattered

I'm not one for political soap boxing, usually whatever their hue, most politicians seem the same these days. However, like many others recently, I've been struck by how there has been a change in the way the less advantaged in society are being labelled as responsible for the nations financial problems and how they are being made to feel guilty if not working. Of course, there has always been a minority who work the system but the vast majority of people who are unemployed, or are in part-time work or on low incomes, would love to work hard and contribute to their families well being and to the economy as well. The shift has happened in the last six months and now those at the top of the Government are happy to blame the poor and unemployed for the UK's financial woes. A friend on twitter linked to this article last week: austerity-has-hardened-the-nations-heart  to which I then replied, "it's heartbreaking, we've a Government focused on saving money,

Running in soft spring rain

Running in soft spring rain. Mist hangs between tendrils of branches. Water droplets, glistening, bright green leaves shining wet rock shining, underfoot. Mist in the air as I breathe Still air, moisture heavy, muffled voices, shadows, appear, then fade. Birdsong subdued but persistent, mist almost ancient, enduring, undying. Running in soft spring rain Looking toward Drakestone Point, Stinchcombe Hill. Andrew Hill  ©  2013 First version 'written' as I ran through the woods with Ollie the dog. I had to stop and record it on my voicemail so I wouldn't forget. 

A creed

For this weeks theology and ministry evening class we were asked to write a creed. This is my attempt and is in no way an attempt to replace what is used now, but is an attempt to distil what matters to me in just ten lines. I believe in God, who created the heavens and the Earth, God who saw that it was good, who created us all and loves all he has made. God who created imperfection. In believe in Jesus, the son of God, who showed us the way to the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus who died on the cross, to save us from our sins. Jesus who rose again, to Eternal life as can we, his children. I believe in the Holy Spirit, The Spirit of love, at work in our hearts. The spirit of fire, uniting us all in a Holy Communion of faith. I believe in God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Following the Aoradh Wilderness Retreat to Scarba last weekend, I wrote this, Scarba   Steel grey skies darken, Hidden rock spires, deep depths, whirling, roaring tides and waves . Wind and waves grow , Deck lurching side to side, Uncertainty , Hope , A rocky shore, but his plan, not ours. Safe upon a new shore, an unknown glen, not known for generations passed . Rocks, prayers, The rough-hewn blackness sinking into waves, Rocks, prayers, Held, carried, prayed over Are you there? Flotsam resting in pools , Seaweed floating aft and fore , Water gently lap s on rock , Tides surg e to north and south , Moss so ancient, air so clean and pure . Waves crash on broken shore s, Wilderness, w ildness of raw creation , He has always been here , In this thin place, almost opaque . The spirit all around, in fire, wind and rain , The almighty ever present in our hearts, The Lord sitting on a stone, shelter