
Showing posts from February, 2013
Q: If you could give any advice for the day, what would it be? Walk, don’t run. That’s it. Walk, don’t run. Slow down, breathe deeply, and open your eyes because there’s a whole world right here within this one. The bush doesn’t suddenly catch on fire, it’s been burning the whole time. Moses is simply moving slowly enough to see it. And when he does, he takes off his sandals. Not because the ground has suddenly become holy, but because he’s just now becoming aware that the ground has been holy the whole time. Efficiency is not God’s highest goal for your life, neither is busyness, or how many things you can get done in one day, or speed, or even success. But walking- which leads to seeing- now that’s something. That’s the invitation for every one of us today and every day, in every conversation, interaction, event, and moment: to walk, not run. And in doing so, to see a whole world right here within this one. With thanks to diggingalot  and Rob Bell

In the silence

For a short while, we are in ordinary time, so each day the words of the morning office roll around in my head like familiar friends not seen for a while. Then while the term ordinary also feels like the complete opposite, we have the gospel of John telling us about Mary Magdalene seeing the risen Jesus for the first time, I mean, how is that ordinary? It's such wonderful, (if confusing, for her) news! There is also Lent around the corner, with all the anticipation that brings. But while the office is familiar, praying intercessions each day is always whatever feels right. Whatever comes to mind is prayed for, often a mental list of people and events I bring before God every day but today, there was silence. Nothing came to mind at all. I sat in the stillness and became aware of birdsong in the garden, the blinds were closed but a glimmer of first light was nudging it's way into the day. I let the silence fill with birdsong, a few thoughts crossed my mind but I stayed sil