Economics as if people mattered
I'm not one for political soap boxing, usually whatever their hue, most politicians seem the same these days. However, like many others recently, I've been struck by how there has been a change in the way the less advantaged in society are being labelled as responsible for the nations financial problems and how they are being made to feel guilty if not working. Of course, there has always been a minority who work the system but the vast majority of people who are unemployed, or are in part-time work or on low incomes, would love to work hard and contribute to their families well being and to the economy as well. The shift has happened in the last six months and now those at the top of the Government are happy to blame the poor and unemployed for the UK's financial woes. A friend on twitter linked to this article last week: austerity-has-hardened-the-nations-heart to which I then replied, "it's heartbreaking, we've a Government focused on saving money, ...