Surrendering to God
In a discussion last year at a house group we started talking about when we had given ourselves to Christ. Many could cite specific times in their lives when they had committed to following Jesus. I kept quiet as the discussion moved on but I knew I had side-stepped a public answer, but not perhaps for the reasons you may be guessing... In my heart, I knew I had given myself to God, to follow Christ, but I couldn't give a time or place when I knew this had happened, hence my silence. No sudden born again, bright lights moment, just the sure, safe knowledge that I am his. Those who know me may think it slightly odd that I couldn't give a " when" , especially as for a long time, I hadn't been to church at all until six years ago so you could say well surely in the last six years, wasn't there a moment or an event which made it all clear. I don't think there was though, it was a gradual realisation, a slow re-birth as I realised I has always been his ...