A New Hope for 2011
Written for parish magazine January 2011, not used as it seemed like it was from a vicar, which I'm not... This is one of those times when the first paragraph was written last, because I realised that the title made it sound like I was writing about Star Wars, but that isn’t the case, this time. My apologies if that got your interest! Reflecting in the middle of December of 2010 on what 2011 may bring can seem like trying to gaze into a crystal ball (for the more secular folks out there). It is certain that 2011 may bring some difficult times with reductions in budgets across many areas of Government spending. This in turn may increase hardship and possibly bring increased protests and demonstrations. The employment market will also struggle as a result, making many of us in work less secure, those out of work less likely to find work and increasing the risk of unemployment. In addition, many of us will be praying for specific world issues, for the homeless, the hungry, the po...