
Showing posts from November, 2011

Reminded the path is straight

There seem to be fewer forks in the path at the moment, I'm sure there may be some choices to be made over the next year or so, but the last year has been one of remaining true to a calling. It seems that if there has ever been a doubt, then a sign or signal has of hope has renewed my patience. Last night, having recently changed roles within the vast global company where I work (it should be a good move but still early days and lots of new people to get used to), I was in a place where the voices in my head were saying, you're in the wrong place, you should be in a place where you're helping people and proclaiming the Gospel, not in a place where you sit playing with spreadsheets and engineering drawings all day. I was mulling this over at home after work, when the Vicar called, asking me to run evening prayer that night (a once a week service in our church), which she couldn't make due to other meetings. That was the reminder I needed, You have been called (liter


I think I was quite naive when I was younger. I believed I was a pacifist and that a non-violent approach could resolve any situation. I was able to resolve personal situations without violence by standing my ground or through negotiation but now, with hindsight I think I have just been lucky. I no longer see the world quite like this, my view of the world has matured a little, as I have grown up. I have met people who have been to war, have read about and seen film about war. My grandfather fought in the second world war and was part of the D-Day landings, he wouldn't have agreed the younger me, although we never talked about these things and anything he shared about the war was the light-hearted comaraderie and the scrapes he enjoyed. He lost family in the war but never spoke about them or what he had seen in the heat of battle. The biggest revelation was when I realised that evil exists. We can't get away from that. Some people are misled, or have been nurtured to hate,